Public Relations
“Jeep® Brand Provides a Glimpse of Its Advanced AI and Autonomous Off-Road Driving Technology”
The Jeep Brand is promoting new technology that they have been working on. Jeep has been working on self driving cars and developing programs that allow their cars to drive off road. The Jeeps they have been using for testing are also electric vehicles. Jeep is trying to innovate the future of off road driving by adding AI and hands free driving technology. They also want to help their customers with this technology to aid in everyday driving. The Jeep Brand is hoping for more people to get engaged with off road driving and finding new paths. The invention of AI to aid in this lowers the danger and skill threshold for patrons of Jeep. They have released videos to demonstrate the technology and show what these cars are capable of doing.
The employees working on this technology
The Jeep Brand
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Stockholders of FCA
The consumer from advanced offroaders to novice
News companies creating stories about this technology
Jeep’s press release shows the innovation that they are striving for. The ability to get new people involved with off roading opens up more people who may be excited for the new Jeep. The PR team has done a good job of posting about these cars, their instagram, twitter, and youtube all have posted a clip of the self-driving cars in action. These social media videos have produced around 16,000 views across these platforms. On Instagram they have 7.9 million followers, on twitter they have 1.1 million, and on youtube they have 236 thousand subscribers.These campaigns are all very similar and share a consistent theme. It highlights the rugged outdoor vehicles, while showing the new technology Jeep is trying to excite customers for. They used the different platforms to showcase the video and to gain attention for their new product.
Jeep has also gained traction with news companies such as Motor Authority, and KTLA. These articles are generating more excitement as it makes Jeep sound innovative. The story is consistent between both articles and highlights the new technology created by Jeep. Through these Jeep has continued what they started with their social media account and informed the customers about the innovation they are hoping to produce. The technology is at the forefront of this campaign and the cars being electric show the strive for improvements in automobile technology. The autonomous feature is being pushed and being shown to work on off road terrain. Jeep is using this press release to show its advancement in autonomous vehicles and how it could be helpful for the everyday consumer and off road enthusiasts.
After analyzing the Jeep Brand I have a few recommendations I would like to make. First, using the social media platforms was the correct first step however, I do not feel that it has fully grasped the audience. For Instagram there are eight million followers and only three thousand people have liked the post and twenty-five have commented. Trying to find something more engaging with the youth who use and interact with posts. The technology is also aimed to help people with off-roading and targeting a younger market could result in more long term results as well. This could be done by compiling videos of the cars doing impressive off road driving as well as everyday driving to highlight the usefulness. Since this technology is going to allow more people to enjoy off road trails targeting that market on social media could increase excitement. It would just take a more intriguing video through a series of posts that would hopefully excite more people about the cars.
A second idea would be to start a youtube series and use the bigger social media platforms in Twitter and Instagram to promote the videos. In this series I would recommend using professional drivers and showing them push the car to the limit. This could present the more experienced off roaders an insight on how the technology can help them. The people that love off-roading may view this as cheating and unnecessary. However, with a video being promoted showing high level drivers using the system to help them it may make them see a benefit in the technology. This technology could be shown as a way to help drivers in these situations instead of doing it for them.
Lastly, since Jeep wants this to bring in more people to the adventure it could be helpful to show how Jeep is helping preserve these trails. People may be upset with an influx of people using the off road trails and worry about the conditions of them. For Jeep making it a part of their mission with this car to help preserve the environments that these cars are used in. By making it electric that is already one step but the influx of people on the road may cause wear and hurt the environment. Having a campaign for Jeep about maintaining this environment could help ease people into the idea.