
Cherry Blossom

By Aidan John

Branches hold the leaves,

supporting all of their dreams,

until Fall arrives.

Tree Canopy 

Aidan John

The trees branch across the street,

teasing a sense of mystery.

Shade covers the road like a gateway.

Branches crossing forming a tunnel.

Curiosity strikes, enticing the idea of a hike.

A new world appears. Pretty skies are near.

As the canopy opens the tunnel ends,

the intrigue leaves as imagination flees.

For the image is not what you believed,

longing for the cover of the trees. 

The Family’s Cabin

By Aidan John

The paint has chipped exposing wood from age.

My dad and I began to paint the porch,

together rolling paint repairing wear side to side for days on days

Sweating on our knees until we have another job,

trying to maintain the rugged cabin we call home.

From Irish Pete to me, memories build,

the generations cared to make more dreams,

restoring different pieces needing care.

An effort people made to slow the death.

The fire wiped away the future yet,

remembrance keeps the cabin fresh.

Even after death memories appear.

Ashes left from family to cabin keeping Bryant Creek close. 

The last generation to know its warmth,

The fire used to bring everyone together now it makes everyone mourn. 


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